::This blog post is dedicated to my dear friend Rachel Anderson, who raises her 3 precious boys in a very different way then I raise my sweet little... and I still think she's super mom.::
This has been writing itself in my head, and heart, for quite a while. So here goes...
Women are SO mean to each other... ridiculously mean to each other. ALL women. But this particular post isn't about all women, its specifically about women-with-children.
Motherhood is HARD! Don't for a second let anyone tell you differently, it may be easier for some then others but it's still HARD. How can it not be? When you're a mother your responsible for another persons life (kinda a big deal, just sayin'). You're responsible for the person that they ultimately become! The decisions and choices and chances to totally SCREW UP are huge!
So let's take it back a little. Mommy's, please take a look at several of your closest friends. People you love, adore, trust, get stupid face wasted with (or not, i won't judge)... those people. Think about how they were raised. Was it exactly the same as you? No. It wasn't, even if it was similar it wasn't exactly the same... so why are we so shocked that we all raise our kids differently?
More importantly, who are we to say "I'm crunchy & you're silky and therefore you're not raising your children the right way". If you're like me the first time you read that you said "say whaaaa?!" Crunchy moms? Silky moms? When did we start becoming parfait choices?! Why can't we each just raise our kids the way we see fit. As long as women are loving and taking care of their children, who are we to judge if a mother ::gasp:: doesn't vaccinate, or ::faint:: had her son circumcised... don't even get me started on breastfeeding, that is an entire post in itself.
If you're a mother that makes EDUCATED decisions for your child's life, you will not feel judged by me! I have a friend who has made some decisions in her children's lives that differ from my own. She doesn't vaccinate, and she chose to have her 3rd son not circumcised. She posts articles and comments on her facebook page explaining why she made these decisions and I personally respect her more for it. I vaccinate, and Landon was circ and I still read EVERY article my friend posts. She loves her boys, she takes fantastic care of them, and she educates herself fully before she makes any decision regarding their lives. To me, that's an incredible mom! Why should i feel the need to judge her, or "hate on her". It's her duty as a mother to make the important decisions and she is doing just that.
I'm not saying we all have to sit around and sing kumbaya together but sheesh ladies... being a mommy is hard enough without other mommy's telling you you're not doing it right. So lets stop "hatin'" on each other and start patting each other on the back.
Spread the love!
I double dog dare you to pick at least one other mother and tell her what a fantastic job she's doing, do it.
With Love,
Just Leia
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Leia, you are spot on with this. I hate how judgemental mothers are to other mothers. That's why important things are pushed to the wayside - post-pardum, pros & cons of breastfeeding & cloth diapers, appropriate punishments. If people would just shut.the.eff.up and listen for a few moments, we'd have a lot happier mothers in the world.
ReplyDeleteI've totally been working on a post with a similar subject too, it's just such an intense topic I get pissed every time I start to really write it. Haha.
It is intense, and this probably wont be my last post about it... I have a friend who has been dealing with this lately and i just had to go ahead and write it