I'm really hoping I have maxed out my emergency room visits for the year...
The first was last Saturday (5/21/11). HORRIBLE night, Landon woke up at 10pm screaming and would have no part of sleeping for the rest of the night. He was totally inconsolable. All he did all night was go back and forth between screaming and whining, broke my heart. BUT on top of that I broke out in a high fever, & when I get really high fever I get very disoriented and almost delusional... So here i am all night trying to cuddle him and console him while i'm feeling horrible myself. It was the longest 6 hrs of my life. Debbi (Landon's grandma) came in @ 4 and took him while I tried to get a few hrs of sleep. Around 8 I decided we both needed to see a Doctor so off we went to the ER. I think i'm usually a pretty patient person, but waiting around for 2 1/2 hrs with a fussy baby when you feel like death is something I honestly wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! There were a few weak moments that had me fantasizing about punching a doctor or yelling at a nurse... again, fever makes me a little crazy! haha (:
Anyways, we both can home w/ amoxicillan and orders to rest and keep our fevers down. I quickly decided that I would only allow myself to be sick one day and that Sunday I would have to feel better or fake it, single mothers don't get the "luxury" of being sick.
That following Thursday (5/26/11) Landon broke out in a really high fever and had these red dots covering his whole body. He had seemed to be getting better the days before this so I freaked out and back to the ER we went. We waited 3 hrs for them to come in, look at him for 2 min. and tell us it was just a side effect of the fever... my first reaction was annoyance that we had just sat there for 3 hrs for THAT, but then I quickly realized how grateful I should be that it was nothing. I felt so bad for my poor baby, this was his first time EVER being sick and he really got hit hard.
Saturday was Rachel's going away party... sadness. But I made some delicious cupcakes (:
In the making: best strawberry cupcakes you'll ever eat... true story.
chocolate LOVE.
After dinner (and cupcakes), Rachel & I decided to go out to our friend Clat's for a water balloon fight. It seemed only fitting... 5 years ago Rachel & I met at a water balloon fight at Clat's, so it just seemed right to send her off that way.
Epic Fail, and so came my 3rd ER visit of the week...
Rachel was running through a dark backyard and fell in a hole, twisting her ankle BAD. It got so huge so fast! I have never even seen anything like that... pretty scary. Off to the ER we went ):
Well, thats the story of all my emergency room adventures! I really think I should have gotten like a frequent visitor wheelchair ride or something...
Here is Landon LOVING mommy's cupcakes (:
With Love,
Leia & Landon
I'm so glad that Landon and Rachel are both better! You had one rough week girl! But those cupcakes definitely looked UH-MAZING!